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We love hearing from our listeners. Whether it's a compliment or criticism, please get in touch. If you're sending compliments, we'd love you to give us permission to put your comments up on our website on our new testimonials page. Please also tell us which country you're from.



Love to hear YOUR ambient or new-age music compositions on SLEEP RADIO? We're keen on hearing from budding ambient and new age artists who believe that their music is the exact type and style that we play. Please note that as we're a non-profit service, we don't remunerate those artists who submit music to us for airplay or pay monies to any third parties who may represent you such as agents or music licensing authorities worldwide. By submitting your music tracks to us, you agree that you are not seeking and will not in the future, seek or accept any reimbursement for the your submission or our playing of your music. Sleep Radio exists solely as a free sleep-health provider. You do however, benefit by click-throughs to your sales websites if mp3  tracks are embedded with sales urls. Mp3s need to have the correct ID3 tags in them for song, artist, album name, artwork and sales urls. Otherwise they end up with default or incorrect display information on our website and our app. If you're unsure how to do this, Mp3tag is a free tool that can do this for you. Mp3 Checker is another free tool you can use to ensure all the properties in your tracks are OK for airplay. Mp3 download links can be sent to us via email . Lastly, we get sent 4-5 albums a weeki for airplay audition so please don't be offended if we don't get back to you straight away.

Please note: If tracks submitted contain any of the following, they won't be selected for airplay:

  • Non-ambient or non-new age

  • Vocals

  • Background vocals

  • Recognisable beat

  • Guitar solo

  • Rain or thunder

  • Harp solo

  • Ocean sounds or similar

  • Whalesong or similar

  • Birdsong or similar

  • White noise or similar







Got a question? Please check out our FAQs page first before contacting us. (General queries only)

For music submissions, please email us a download link or use the music uploader at the bottom of this page but check out our artists and promoters summary first.

To lodge a complaint about our opening announcement and appeals for donations, click here.

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This website, the name SLEEP RADIO and its audio stream is internationally trademarked and copyrighted © - 2014 to John Watson trading as Sleep Radio. All rights reserved.​ Our audio streaming services are provided solely to listeners who need to listen to uninterrupted music to relax and sleep. Duplication or copying of any audio, information or image on this website is strictly prohibited. Similarly, any recording, relaying or re-broadcasting of this station's audio feed via website, app or AM/FM/SW/DAB relaying is strictly prohibited without express written permission of the owner of SLEEP RADIO. Any person, organisation or company in breach is liable to prosecution, damages and costs.

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